
Importance of constitution in democratic country

What is a constitution?

In any democratic state, the constitution is considered a valuable document. However, the importance of a constitution can only be understood after understanding what actually a constitution is! A constitution can be simply defined as “A set of rules and principles providing guidelines about how a state should run, how powers should be distributed, controlled, and what rights a citizen shall possess”. Usually, the constitution is available in the form of a single document and is quite lengthy as well.

In other words, it can be said that a constitution actually sets boundaries regarding the powers and interaction of government. It allocates relevant duties to the respective authorities in the ruling government and guides them on how to impose rules and regulations on the citizen of the state. A constitution describes details and guidelines on various matters which further highlights the importance of the constitution. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Guidelines about elections: The constitution clarifies that after how much time the elections should be held. It also clarifies who can take part in elections, how should the electoral system work, and what procedures should be followed.
  • Key government institutions and the relationship between them: It mentions the specific powers possessed by various key institutions of the state including the executive, legislature, and judiciary. It also highlights that how individuals serving, in these institutions, can be checked or terminated from their positions.
  • Ways required for making amendments in the constitution: A constitution may also require amendments at some point. Therefore, it should mention the processes clearly by which it could be changed.

Importance of constitution

As far as the importance of the constitution is concerned, it is substantial owing to several reasons. Some of these reasons are discussed below:

  • Constitution is a symbol: Constitution is a document written to act as a symbol and represent rules and regulations of political and social organizations. These defined rules and principles act as a foundation in a nation to make sure that the matters of the state are carried out without any dispute.
  • It provides the basic structure to a government: The presence of a constitution in any country is important because it provides legal and cultural aspects which help in governing the nation as well as government bodies. Stability in a state can be ensured by three sources which include the judiciary, executive, and legislature, and they are established by the constitution.
  • It governs the distribution of power: Constitution allocates and clarifies specific powers to various organs of the state. It helps to regulate the relationship between nation and government institutions.
  • Apex body: Constitution is above all other laws present and followed in the country. Any law that is being applied in the state needs to be passed by the constitution itself. The constitution needs to be respected and followed. If it shall not be respected and accepted, it will lose its strength and credibility which will further result in the fall of the nation.
  • It defines the goals of a country: The constitution of a state clearly mentions the national goal of a state and hence, defines the objective of the entire country. Every country aspires to achieve a certain goal which is clearly mentioned in its constitution.
  • Basic rights: It clearly mentions the rights of all citizens of the nation and hence plays a major role in ensuring the well-being of its people as well as ensuring satisfaction among the people. Some of these basic rights ensured in the constitution include the right to life, freedom, and property, etc.
  • Power transfer in case of emergency: A major purpose of the constitution is to provide the framework to a state during emergencies. The emergencies can include natural emergencies in case of natural disasters as well as political or national emergencies. Therefore, it is pertinent that the constitution plays a part as the spine of the nation. Respecting the constitution is the prime responsibility of all its citizens.

Features of a constitution

The importance of the constitution is also dependent on its various features which are discussed below:

  • A Preamble: It highlights the basic values and objectives of a state.
  • Identity of state: It may also declare the national language of the state, characteristics and color scheme of a national flag, eligibility of an individual to be the citizen of the state, and position of the state in the world among the rest of the countries.
  • Rights: Constitution also clearly announces the rights of citizens. Furthermore, it also explains the scenarios under which these rights may be limited or suspended.
  • Commitment to the rule of law: Constitutions emphasize ensuring the rule of law. They declare laws to be enforced impartially, remain accessible and provided to the people of the state.
  • Role and composition of law-making bodies: The constitution clearly describes that who can make legislature and how the relevant members may be chosen. It defines the roles and responsibilities of all the public bodies.
  • Role and Composition of President, Prime Minister, and Ministers: The constitution makes it clear that who shall be the part of the executive body and what would be the process to elect them. It also explains which executive will possess which powers and how they are going to be held responsible for the use of their powers.
  • Structure of Judiciary: It also explains the conditions following which the judges may be selected. It describes all types of the court that would exist in the state and necessary information about the appointment of government legal advisor and public prosecutors.
  • Elections: The constitution also explains various requirements regarding the elections for example; voting systems, candidates for elections and procedures to carry out elections, etc.
  • Other important bodies: The importance of the constitution is also clear by the fact that it provides the basis of other important bodies of the state including the election commission, human rights commission, etc.
  • Structure of state: It clearly defines the allocation of power at national, regional, and local levels.
  • Economy and distribution of resources: Sometimes, the constitution also mentions that which economic system would be followed in the state.
  • Role of military and police: It also defines the duty of armed forces and police. It further explains provisions for their control, supervision, and accountability.
  • Emergency powers: It also addresses that in what sort of situation, an emergency can be declared in a state and who has the powers to do so.
  • Amendments: The constitution also puts forward a procedure through which amendments can be made into the constitution.

Importance of constitution in a democratic country

Democratic countries include nations that run on the principle of democracy. Democracy can be referred to as a form of government in which people have the choice and freedom to choose their legislators and governing authorities. It is also commonly described as the “government of the people, by the people and for the people”. The importance of the constitution is also pertinent in democratic states.

A constitution is required in democratic nations due to the five major reasons described below:

  • Basic rules: It provides a basic set of rules which help the democracy to run. Therefore, in this way, it helps in the functioning of democracy.
  • Rights: It declares the rights of the citizens of the state over fellow nationals, government institutions, and the overall state.
  • Duties: It clarifies the duties of the state as well as of individuals for ensuring justice towards the country made by citizens and institutions.
  • Directives: It contains information and instructions for the government so that law can determine the territory of state and country.
  • Citizenship: It also possesses various provisions to determine the possibility of attaining or losing the nationality of the country.


The importance of the constitution can never be denied because it provides such a framework to the governing bodies which helps them in decision making. It ensures the formation of a respectable relationship between the state and citizens which can promote mutual trust and respect. Constitutions need to be agreed upon and accepted rather than imposed. Only in this way, a nation would be in a better position to trust institutions and the constitution.

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