
the importance of dams? and What are the major benefits of dams?

Dams are structures that are built across a river or stream to store water. The water stored with the help of dams is used in the future for several reasons e.g., it is used by human beings for consumption, farmers in irrigating arid and semiarid lands as well as also used in the industrial processes. The above-mentioned uses of dams highlight the importance of dams for humans, animals as well as entire nations.

Dams play an integral part in generating electricity as well. They play their role in increasing the water available to produce hydroelectric power. It helps in reducing the quantity of floodwater released during floods as well as increases the depths in rivers thus helping ships etc. to travel smoothly. They can also be used to create man-made lakes which can be used for recreational activities, for example, fishing, swimming, boating, etc. In this way, they also provide earning opportunities to many individuals.

Most of the dams built are eventually used for multiple purposes which further enhances the importance of dams. They can be used to produce hydroelectric power, support the irrigation system as well as be used for fishing and other recreational activities all at once. Such multipurpose dams are of utmost importance in the case of developing countries because a single dam can serve in multiple ways in these countries by ensuring the maintenance and storage of useful natural resources.

1. Types of Dams

The importance of dams has already led to the introduction of various categories within dams. They vary greatly from each other in terms of structure and building material. However, the answer to the question of which sort of dam should be developed in a particular area lies in the availability of various factors of that territory. For example, the decision-making regarding the type of dam would rely upon the foundation condition of the area, transportation accessibility to the area, the availability of different construction materials as well as the competence and experience of the team including promoters, engineers, and financiers. Currently, the engineers have to select between earth fill, rockfill, and concrete dams.

Main Issues Addressed by the Availability of Dams

The dams play a substantial role in any society by addressing several challenges existing within the society. This role played by the dams is the main reason behind the ever-increasing importance of dams. Some of these issues are discussed below:

  • Stores water to be used in difficult times during the summer season when water will not be available in enough quantity.
  • It provides farmers with enough irrigation water and thus helps them grow fruits and vegetables.
  • Due to droughts or any other reason rivers may experience a shortage of water which makes it difficult for ships to travel. Dams help in reducing this sort of water shortage.
  • Reduces the risk of floods and saves homes, cattle, and the lives of people.
  • Helps reduce pollution by not emitting harmful gases in its various other procedures.

Importance of Dams in Environment Protection

The importance of dams is also, directly and indirectly, related to the protection of our environment. Sometimes dams trap the harmful materials and components present in water. In this way, they preserve the environment from such toxic materials. Similarly, some dams assist in the processing of minerals in a way that is more friendly to the environment.

On the other hand, by facilitating the transportation of ships in the river, the dams play a constructive role in avoiding accidents in river water thus preserving rivers that could have caused environmental pollution in the future. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that humans, as well as nature, enjoy direct as well as indirect benefits from the importance of dams.

1. Importance of Dams for Countries

The importance of dams gets more significant when it is viewed from the perspective of a country and especially if a country is in the developing phase. It is so because dams help in the storage of resources which can prove to be really helpful for developing countries. For example, Pakistan is a developing country. The dams in Pakistan help store water resources. Secondly, Pakistan is agricultural land. Therefore, it gets benefits from dams in irrigation to a huge extent.

The dams also help in meeting the energy demands of the country. Hydropower is expected to contribute almost 30 percent to the total energy produced while thermal power plants produce as high as 60 percent. Therefore, if the hydropower capacity increases, the burden of importing oil to run thermal power plants would decrease. This step will save the economy as well as the atmosphere. Therefore, the country also gets direct as well as indirect benefits from the importance of dams.

2. Importance of Dams for Electricity

Dams play an important role in producing electricity. This electricity is produced from the water reserved in dams and hence, is called hydroelectricity. It is a very common form of renewable energy. Therefore, it also highlights the importance of dams which facilitate the generation of electricity from a natural resource.

Hydroelectricity is produced by using the pressure of water to move the turbines. Whenever electricity is needed, the water from the reservoir of the dam is released which results in knowing the turbines and hence, generating electricity. It reduces the environmental pollution which is witnessed in the thermal production of electricity. Hydroelectric energy also has a few other benefits which are discussed below:

It is renewable: It is renewable because it is produced with the help of water and water is a natural resource.

It has low emissions: The process of producing electricity with the help of water does not result in the emission of any gas like carbon dioxide etc. therefore, it is safe for nature.

It is reliable: It is a very reliable method because the flow of water is predictable. Secondly, the pressure of water can be increased or decreased depending on the need for energy production.

It is safe: It is safe because of the non-existence of harmful chemicals and gases in the procedure of energy production.

2. Benefits of Dams

Although much has been discussed earlier regarding the importance of dams, some other benefits of dams are discussed in detail below:

Provides recreation opportunities: The governments can use dams to provide opportunities for recreation e.g. boating, picnic, camping, etc., and hence can earn well from introducing tourism. In this way, it can also provide multiple earning opportunities to needy people.

Controls flood: They are the primary source to control flood. In this way, it plays a substantial role in preventing the loss of property, cattle, lives, and other things valuable to human beings.

Stores water: Dams contain reservoirs that store water. This stored water is later used for meeting water needs during situations like drought. It also helps in the even distribution of water.

Helps in irrigation: It helps farmers to irrigate the land and grow their crops without worries.

Mine tailings: It also helps in mining, coal processing as well as the processing of other important minerals thus protecting the environment.

Generates electricity: Dams help in producing electricity through hydropower. Hydroelectricity preserves the environment from pollution and is renewable as well.

Control debris: Dams also preserve the environment from toxic materials by storing them in themselves.


Dams serve a nation in multiple ways i.e., they provide water for domestic use, industrial use as well as agricultural use. They also help in generating the economy and preserving nature. Therefore, the importance of dams is not only to benefit humans but also animals, the environment, the government, and the economy. It ensures direct as well as indirect benefits. They can also prove to be really helpful in providing recreational opportunities and thus, can also ensure good earnings by the government. On the other hand, in the shape of recreational activities, they can also indirectly provide job opportunities to many people. However, it is ironic that some developing countries are still debating if dams are important or not.

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