
Why Is Freedom Important? (14 Reasons)

Why is freedom so crucial? What is it exactly? In a word, freedom is the power to decide whatever activities we engage in. We have the freedom to express our opinions unrestrainedly, to follow the path we believe in fitting in life, and to associate with anyone we want. 

This allows us to be distinct people who may create our own unique lives. Therefore, freedom is a fundamental human right, enabling us to be ourselves.


Let’s read the article to see why we value freedom so highly.

Top 14 Reasons Why Freedom is Important?


1. A Basic Human Right is Freedom

Every person on the earth has the right to a particular set of fundamental liberties and rights from conception to death.

They belong to everyone, regardless of where they are from, what they think, or how they spend their time.

They can occasionally be limited, for example, when someone breaks the law or for security reasons, but they can never be taken away.

These fundamental freedoms are founded on universal ideals like self-determination, justice, equality, respect, and dignity.


2. Freedom is Essential to Democracy

A democratic society’s cornerstone is freedom. Without liberty, it would be difficult to create a government that was responsive to and representative of the people, making democracy impossible.

Nobody should ever take for granted their ability to vote. By exercising our right to vote, we can defend democracy, hold the powerful accountable, and transform our society. 

If you couldn’t vote, you wouldn’t be able to decide who sets the laws that govern every aspect of your life.


3. Freedom Enables Us to Be Who We Are

Freedom is the ability to be who you are, want what you want, and do what you do, regardless of what you think about yourself or others. We can be ourselves free from societal restrictions and other people’s expectations.

Freedom starts in the mind. It is the capacity for independent thought and sincere communication. It takes guts to take chances and stand by our beliefs.

We may challenge the current quo, question norms, and be innovative when we are allowed to think for ourselves. We are all capable of choosing our actions and directing our own lives. 

4. Freedom Gives Us Power

Freedom’s influence is sometimes undervalued and misunderstood. We have a fundamental longing for freedom as humans, yet many of us are unaware of its immense potential.

Freedom gives us the power to : 

  • To choose whether or not to belong.
  • Ability to be oneself without worrying about being rejected.
  • The freedom to express oneself in whatever one wants.
  • When others have the same p
  • Possibilities, the freedom to pursue pleasure on your own terms.


5. Freedom Enables Self-Expression

One of the most crucial components of freedom is having the ability to express oneself. It affects how many people connect with the outside world and work to realize their full potential.

Self-expression can come in various forms, such as founding a business, sharing artwork, dressing a certain way, or simply living one’s life in line with one’s preferences. It allows people to express who they are in whichever way and in whatever form they deem proper. 

When people can communicate with one another freely, self-expression is also possible. Through their interactions with others, people can express themselves, whether it be through acts of kindness and compassion, conversation, or even conflict.


6. Freedom Allows for Individual Autonomy

Freedom is not a privilege but a right. Autonomy, or the right to choose one’s course of action, is the most crucial human right since it radically changes what it means to be a person.

The following human rights are related to liberty:


  • Your right to liberty is unaffected.
  • You have the right to be free since it is necessary for your bodily and mental health.
  • Since freedom is a fundamental human right, you are entitled to it. As rational beings, we have the capacity to rule our own lives and make our judgments.
  • You have the right to freedom because everybody has a basic need for human dignity.


7. Freedom Creates Creativity 

The importance of freedom explains by the creativity that freedom makes in our lives. The term “freedom of creativity” refers to the ability to develop, produce, and disseminate a variety of artistic expressions without restriction from the state, its institutions, or non-state actors. To ensure society’s health, everyone must have access to these works.

Additionally, freedom gives people much more unrestricted freedom to explore the world and their surroundings.  People may express their ideas, emotions, and feelings far more freely without limits. This gives individuals the freedom to take chances, which is essential to the creative process.


8. Freedom Protects One’s Dignity

It implies that everyone has a fundamental right to live in dignity and without being subjected to prejudice. They have the right to insist on receiving the same respect from the government and other people. Our inability to make decisions without freedom might make us feel powerless, ashamed, and undeserving of ourselves. 

Our ability to make our own decisions, thanks to our right to freedom, helps us to feel dignified. Another crucial aspect of freedom that promotes human dignity is freedom of expression. It allows us to express our worries, discuss our opinions, and call attention to injustices without worrying about reprisal. 


9. Freedom allows for Peaceful Dissent and Political Participation

The importance of freedom is based upon peaceful dissent and political participation. Democracy depends on political involvement, which gives people a voice in how their nation is administered.  This right has been recognized as a fundamental human right in several constitutions since it is crucial for the operation of democracies.

In countries with functional democracies, freedom is generally taken for granted. These countries permit political activity and peaceful protest in a variety of ways, including:

  • People can voice their thoughts without worrying about retaliation from the government or society because of the freedom to peaceful protest and assembly. It enables citizens to contest the beliefs and policies of those in authority.
  • Voting rights allow citizens to participate in the governance of their country. It enables individuals to voice their opinions and share their viewpoints on important issues.
  • Citizens have the right to establish political parties and participate in politics, allowing them to shape how their country is governed.


10. Freedom Encourages Changes 

Our lives may change and be shaped in remarkable ways by freedom. It promotes change by empowering people and enabling them to see beyond their immediate surroundings. Freedom’s strength resides in its capacity to:

  • Remove obstacles
  • Contest established conventions
  • Make changes and fresh routes available


By enhancing human choices and encouraging democratic relationships in society, freedom can shield people from natural disasters (such as floods, earthquakes, droughts, etc.), social issues (such as mortality, low life expectancy, and illiteracy), and economic issues (such as unfair income distribution, low income per capita, and so forth). 

Additionally, by promoting a fair income distribution system and political and social freedom, freedom contributes to maximizing social welfare.


11. Freedom Provides Us with Chance

Freedom of opportunity refers to the capacity to use the opportunities provided by reality without being hindered by physical force, particularly when the government initiates such use of physical force or occurs with its approval. We may take chances and explore new avenues when we are liberated and may take chances, try something different, or follow our passions when we can make our own decisions. We are not required to follow orders from others or consider what others may think. As a result, we are free to make judgments without regard for external expectations or demands.


12. Freedom Gives Us the Ability to Pick Our Friends

Most of us have friends we can turn to in happy and sad times. Nobody else can give the same emotional support, inspiration, and consolation. Our friends are people with whom we share the same interests, goals, and challenges; they will inspire us to persist and stay strong.  Having the opportunity to select our friends allows us to establish and cultivate lasting relationships. We may choose associates who share our beliefs and interests so that we can cooperate and advance shared objectives.

Additionally, we can locate friends who will encourage us in both our personal and professional lives and who can provide helpful criticism and constructive advice. The statement made by Alexis de Tocqueville is enduring and significant.

Nothing is more fruitful in miracles than the skill of being free, yet nothing is harder than freedom’s apprenticeship, the author warns. “It cannot be repeated too often.”


13. Not All Freedoms Are Equal

Do some freedoms have a higher priority than others? A lot of people concur. Researchers looked at 38 nations in a 2015 Pew Research Centre poll.

 They discovered that Americans prioritized freedom of expression, press freedom, and internet access. The Americans also asserted that they were more accepting of inflammatory speech, particularly disparaging minority groups. 

This demonstrates the conflict between “freedom to” and “freedom from.” According to this study, Americans favor the “freedom to.”


14. Freedom Enables Us to Make Mistakes and Grow From Them

The potential of having vivid memories of previous incidents would be eliminated in an ideal society where everyone would make the same error simultaneously.

However, in the real world, there is much disagreement regarding what constitutes a mistake and how we should grow from our mistakes. Some individuals think that mistakes shouldn’t be made. You are warned to avoid errors since they “only lead to trouble.” People more concerned with safety may believe it is best to avoid making mistakes because they can endanger and hurt you, causing additional emotional and financial harm.


Can Having Too Much Freedom Be Harmful?

Freedom is a basic human right and a major principle of democratic nations. Too many choices can make us harmful in our daily routine, as the phrase “excessive dose of anything can make us harm”just like freedom. Anybody in this world can express his or her feeling but excessive choices can make you harmful. 

As the phrase goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Too much liberty may be destructive to both individuals and society as a whole.


1. Lack of Accountability

Lack of accountability is one of the potential negative effects of excessive freedom. When people have too much freedom, they can behave without thinking about the repercussions of their choices.

This can result from harmful actions, including drunk driving, drug addiction, and aggression. In extreme circumstances, it might even motivate criminal activity.


2. The Decline of Social Cohesion

The decline of social cohesion is a potential side effect of excessive freedom. A lack of social ties and a sense of belonging may exist in a society where people can follow their interests. Isolation, loneliness, and alienation can harm one’s mental health and well-being.

According to the research, “Too much freedom can lead to soul decay” 


3. Inequality and Injustice

A surplus of freedom can breed injustice and inequity. If someone has too much freedom, they could use it to take advantage of others and amass riches and resources at the expense of others with less freedom. 


How Can We Guarantee That Everyone’s Right to Freedom Is Upheld?

Various approaches are needed to address the complicated and varied challenge of respecting everyone’s right to freedom. A few crucial actions to safeguard everyone’s right to freedom are as follows:

  • Research about the human rights problems in the surroundings
  • Donate things to welfare organizations.
  • Make a good relationship with human rights welfare
  • Vote for your freedom in every election 
  • Always respect your freedom 
  • Take action when you see something wrong 
  • Support the economic rights of the country 



The importance of freedom and the reasons are discussed above, from which we can know the main facts of freedom and its importance. 

All things considered, freedom is essential to existence. Freedom allows us to choose the path of our own choice and helps in building self-confidence. Freedom helps us to choose friends and encourages changes in life.

A good, balanced existence depends on freedom, and it is essential to encourage that desire constantly. So let’s rejoice in our liberties and keep up the fight for everyone’s right to human rights. Freedom is ultimately what makes life worthwhile.

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