
Importance of love in Society and in Married Life

The concept of love is not new to mankind. We have been watching movies and dramas, listening to songs and poems, and reading books with love as the central theme many times. It won’t be wrong to say that the idea of love is as old as the presence of mankind on earth. The historical literature reveals the importance of love in ancient times was similar to the contemporary world. It also reveals that there are many forms of love and that love is a basic human emotion. But what is love?

Primarily, love is an emotion that involves a chemical reaction in the brain. It affects the behavior and emotions of human beings. However, love is more than a  chemical reaction. It is a bond that one forms between the other humans or a thing. It involves intimacy, loyalty, commitment, passion, and trust. Love is considered a positive emotion but it may not be always true. Love is an emotion that is characterized by behaviors and actions. So, if the actions and behaviors involved in love are harmful, it should not be considered a positive love. It then becomes an obsession.

Types of Love

Love is a very general emotion that exist in every relationship that humans form. There are many forms of love that are based on the bond we, humans, share. These types of love are based on the roles of humans in those relationships but the basic sense of loyalty, trust, respect, and intimacy is present among all.

  1. Friendship: Humans share a beautiful bond that may or may not be blood-related with their friends. Friends share intimacy to a certain extent and have love for each other.
  2. Romantic Love: It involves compassion, passion, and intimacy. Romantic love whether in a marital relationship or otherwise involves commitment and intimacy.
  3. Love for Blood Relations: Humans form a love bond with the ones with whom they spend their lives with i.e. parents, siblings, relatives, etc. Although it is not necessary for every individual to love their blood relations.
  4. Love for Humanity: Even without having any relationship, humans tend to love other human beings for the love of humanity. It includes acquaintances, other humans beings, animals, the environment, or anything.

In a lifetime, humans share many bonds and form many relationships such as friendship, spouse, family, acquaintance, etc. Every relationship is based on love and respect. As humans are social animals, they need to share these bonds to share their happiness and grief. The article will discuss the importance of love in different forms and relationships.

Importance of love in Society

Importance of love in Society

A society consists of several people living together performing different roles to maintain the structure of society. Where there are many people, it is right to say that there will be a difference of opinions, personalities, ways of doing things, and cognition levels. These differences can lead to fights and chaos. However, the emotion of love that is given to humans prevents this chaos. What role does love play in society?

1. Maintains Peace

As mentioned above, society cannot stay away from chaos with different kinds of people living together, and love often prevents this. With the love of humanity and their country, people leave their differences to work together to maintain order and peace in society.

2. Human Connection

Through love humans in society form connections with one another. The importance of love for humanity can never go unnoticed as it is reflected in the ways of how society works. Not only for humans but the love is for animals and the environment as well. The nations that have a love for humanity, animals, and the environment can be seen as progressive.

Importance of Love in Married Life

Love in marriage is essential not only for the partners but for the whole family.

1. Healthy Relationship

Love when characterized by commitment, trust, respect, loyalty, and healthy intimacy makes the relationship between a husband and a wife, healthy. It creates a precedent for a healthy family be it, parents of wife or a husband.

2. Emotional Support

Partners have a responsibility to provide emotional support but when the partners are in love, the support they provide to each other is not out of responsibility but out of love and respect. This removes the stress and burden from a relationship.

3. Positive Mental Health of Children

When there is a healthy environment in a household and a loving relationship between a husband and a wife, it has a great impact on children. The children learn to love through their love of parents. It affects the mental health of children in a positive manner.

4. Love for Siblings

Siblings’ love is one of a kind. We see jokes on how siblings fight for very small things but their love is not affected by these shenanigans. Here is how the importance of love in siblings affects us.

5.  Healthy Social Behavior

Research shows that siblings relationship promotes social behavior. If siblings have a healthy relationship with one another, they are most likely to develop healthy and positive social behavior.

6.  Social and Emotional Support

Siblings provide emotional and social support to one another. The love of siblings is important in everyone’s lives. Their love may not be a typical soft love but they provide support through tough love that is also very important for everyone.

Love for Parents

Love for Parents

Almost all of the children share a special bond with their parents. They love them and have huge respect for them. How is love for parents important in our lives?

1. Personality Development

Children look up to their parents for almost everything because when the children are born they have no one else to look up to. Their sole source of support is their parents. Psychology says that the relationship with parents in early childhood is the basis of how the personality of the children turns out to be. It adds huge responsibility on parents to be mindful of their behaviors. A loving parent develops a positive and healthy personality in a child.

2. Parents as Role Model

Since parents are the only source of information for children, they consider them as their role models. This is why they do what they learn from their parents. Consequently, the love they receive from their parents will be reflected in their behavior toward others.

3. Importance of Love for Children

The love for children is a very pure form of love because children are harmless and they have nothing to offer to adults in return. There is no monetary or social benefit that one can gain from a child. However, children require to be loved the most. It shapes their personalities and their view of the world. Children who are neglected and unloved form unhealthy attachment styles that are reflected in all of their adult relationships. Similarly, children inherit many things from their parents or their elders including mental health. It is a common belief that adults face mental health issues because of their adult problems. It is quite not the case. Adults who have had an unhealthy and bad childhood are more vulnerable to mental health issues that even a slight inconvenience triggers them. Therefore, it is said that parents and elders need to be very careful with children and shower them with love.


The above discussion shows the importance of love in a human’s life. Love of any kind is highly important for the survival of mankind and to have a better lifestyle. It is an emotion that is primarily based on chemical reactions inside the brain but it requires commitment and compassion to carry on for the rest of the life. Love without these characteristics is nothing important. Loyalty, respect, trust, commitment, compassion, and passion make love important for our survival. Otherwise, humans are nothing special without these traits.

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