
Importance of parents in child’s development and in Education

Why Parents are Important?

The role of parents in the life of their children is really significant. They are the ones who set the direction of their children’s lives to make it more rewarding and successful. A child, at the time of birth, is nothing more than a blank paper that is written and colored by his parents. Parents help their kids in dealing with various minor and major challenges of their lives and also build up their morale. They also prepare their kids to live their lives independently after the death of their parents. Therefore, the importance of parents is noteworthy.

The guidance of parents is required in almost all spheres of life which include religious beliefs, political beliefs, and education, etc. Certainly, these are just a few major categories of a kid’s life and the role of parents is much more than that. They also play a crucial role in expressing love and showing affection towards children when they are in difficult times. The importance of parents is highlighted by the fact that children need them all the time.

Essential components of Parenting

Essential components of Parenting

Three essential components are attributed to parenting which further emphasizes the importance of parents. They include:

  • Care: Caring parents protect their children from any sort of physical, mental, or emotional harm. In other words, it enhances and improves the emotional and physical health of their children.
  • Protection: Parents protect their children by setting safe boundaries for them. Children would know from an early age that what they are allowed to do and what not. They will also learn, in this way, the social and cultural ethics of their society.
  • Development: It accounts for working on the potential of children in a constructive manner. Furthermore, the enhanced potential results in increased better opportunities for the children in the future.

Role of parents in children’s life

The importance of parents exists due to several important roles they play in the life of their children. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Help in developing skills: Parenting is a lifetime job that does not allow one to step back ever. Parents play a major role in enhancing the physical, mental, spiritual as well as cognitive development of an individual.
  • Provide a foundation for their beliefs: During the development from an infant to be an adult, a child goes through several phases. They start from becoming a family member and continue becoming members of a society, community, religious community, school, and much more. Parents provide them assistance through all these phases. They also help them learn various principles necessary to move within the society and also help them differentiate between right and wrong.
  • Provide guidance and support: Parents provide continuous support to their children. They are also the ones who encourage kids. They assist the children in mastering important developmental tasks. The role of parents is significant because it is the primary social group which a child deals with in his early years.
  • Provide a healthy and good lifestyle: Parents influence the lives of their children in a way that no other can influence. They play a key role in the emotional and academic development of their kid’s life. A better academic direction later helps the children in forming a successful career and enjoy successful life financially.

Furthermore, the responsible roles carried out by parents towards their children are discussed below:

Importance of parents in child’s development

Importance of parents in child’s development

The importance of parents in child development is of utmost significance. It is so because it is only the parents who are selfless towards their children and desire success for their little angels. A strong and friendly relationship between children and parents helps the children in growing to a more confident personality. The parents help in the physical, social as well as emotional development of their children. In fact, parents lay the foundation for the personality of their children.

A positive relationship between children and parents is very important due to several reasons. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Children enjoying a healthy relationship with their parents tend to live their lives happily by ensuring good relationships with their future families.
  • They are more likely to handle stress in a better way as compared to kids or individuals belonging to broken families or having difficult relations with their parents.
  • It helps in the emotional, linguistic, and mental development of children.
  • It helps in developing a child’s personality which is more optimistic and peaceful.
  • It encourages children to share their problems openly with their parents and gets workable solutions. In this way, they also learn various problem-solving techniques from their parents.
  • Children get prepared for showing up better social and academic skills.

On the other hand, parents can also develop a beautiful relationship with their children by:

  • Being available
  • Sharing meals with children
  • Showing empathy
  • Spending more time with children

Importance of parents in child’s education

It is believed that academic achievement cannot be measured by socioeconomic status or the school’s name of the kid. Rather, it can be measured by observing the extent to which parents and families encourage their child for learning at home and feel themselves accountable for their children’s education. The help provided by parents in studies helps students in completing their assignments on time. It also provides children with an opportunity for a lifelong love for learning. Therefore, the importance of parents in the academic life of children is also important.

Similarly, the focus provided by parents on their children’s education also proves to be important for healthy classrooms. The involvement of parents enhances the motivation of their kids and improve their behavior as well as grade. Children whose parents take interest in their studies tend to adopt better qualities. With parents’ participation and interest, children are more likely to:

  • Secure better grades in exams and assessments
  • Study more and earn higher degrees
  • Enjoy motivation and confidence in their classrooms
  • Execute enhanced attitude in the classroom and interpret better social skills
  • Enjoy higher self-esteem and self-confidence

Importance of parents in healthy societies

Good values and morals play a substantial role in the decent development of society. Parents clarify the definition of right and wrong for their children. Therefore, in this way, parents play their role in the development of a crime-free society.  It is so because crimes are usually associated with a lack of morals and principles. If children spend the early years of their lives in peaceful homes under the supervision of responsible parents, they are less likely to turn into criminals and culprits. This fact highlights the importance of parents in societies.

They provide a foundation for their kids.  However, if children are deprived of this necessary foundation, kids are more inclined towards becoming corrupt. Parents are required to teach moral values to their children because it plays a substantial role in the character development of their children and helps them become better human beings and citizens. With a good brought-up, the crime rate is expected to remain lower in society.

Importance of Parents in ensuring religious beliefs

Importance of Parents in ensuring religious beliefs

The importance of parents is also pertinent in influencing the religious beliefs of children. This guidance will help the children in attaining spiritual enlightenment in the future. The children also tend to lead a more meaningful life if they are given direction towards religion by their parents. Similarly, if parents will teach their kids the importance of religion, kids shall be more inclined towards finding faith and hope from their religious scriptures which will result in them attaining a peaceful life. They will be less confused. Religion will also help them in selecting a rightful path which will help them in taking better decisions.


The above discussion elaborates that children need parents in all the major spheres of their life. Furthermore, they also need the assistance of their parents in major decisions of their even after they become adult and start leading their practical life. On the other hand, it is also now relevant that becoming parents is a huge responsibility. Individuals need to understand that they should opt for this responsibility once they are prepared for it. Secondly, parents should ensure a healthy relationship with their children and provide them with every possible support to become responsible individuals and citizens. This is the only way to enjoy the importance of parents.

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